Equal Height Text Softexpert

Control Text Line Length With Line-Clamp

Method 1: Use of Plugin

There is a free addons plugin for Elementor, using which we can make the boxes equal in height.

  1. Download the plugin here.
  2. Upload and activate the plugin in the WordPress dashboard.
  3. Make sure to turn on ‘Equal height’ widget in the plugin settings.
  4. Then edit any page with elementor, and you will see the equal height option for all widgets.

Method 2: Custom CSS

The CSS line-clamp property is a handy tool that allows you to limit the number of lines shown from an element, effectively truncating text. It’s often used in conjunction with display: -webkit-box; and -webkit-box-orient: vertical to work properly as it originated from the Webkit browser engine. Remember, since this is a non-standard property, it mainly works with browsers based on Webkit and Blink, like Safari and Chrome.

CSS line-clamp enables sleek management of overflowing text by limiting visible lines in your web designs! This guide will swiftly elevate your UI creation skills, whether you’re a beginner or intermediate. Dive in to master text truncation with line-clamp and boost your designs!

.classname {
  display: -webkit-box;
  -webkit-line-clamp: 3; /* Display 3 lines */
  -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  overflow: hidden;


To control the layout on different devices like mobile and tablet, we can use CSS media query. See example below:

.classname {
  display: -webkit-box;
  -webkit-line-clamp: 5; /* Display 5 lines by default */
  -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  overflow: hidden;

@media (max-width: 767px) {
  .classname {
    -webkit-line-clamp: 2; /* Display 2 lines on screens narrower than 767px */

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