In this article, you will know precisely why hostinger is the best hosting out there. As a web developer for the last 3 years, I have worked on hundreds of websites from different hosting companies like GoDaddy, Hostinger, Hostgator, Namecheap, and so on. I know exactly what is necessary for a website and what is not. That’s why I will share the best hosting you can get for your website.
Hostinger has come a long way since it launched as a free web hosting service 15+ years ago. Today, it’s one of the best web hosting providers on the market—offering affordable plans, high-quality hosting, and other perks for website owners. Whether you’re launching a new site from scratch or switching providers, you can use this in-depth review to see if Hostinger is right for you.
Why hostinger?
Fast Load Times:
It’s no secret that the loading time for your site is very important. If a visitor comes to your website and has to wait for things to load, they won’t stick around. In fact, many people aren’t willing to wait for more than a couple of seconds for a site to load.
Fantastically Affordable:
Not only do you get blazing fast site speeds on a Hostinger plan, but those plans come at some of the most competitive price points around.

Free domain, email and SSL:
Yes, you will get a free domain, a domain email (for example and free SSL certificate that makes your website secure and trustworthy.
Money-Back Guarantee:
Not happy with your Hostinger purchase? No problem. You have 30 days to try it out and get your money back if your experience is not all you were hoping for. However, be sure to note that redemption fees, domain name renewals, and privacy protection are the only things not part of the 30-day money-back guarantee, so keep that in the back of your head.
24/7 live chat support (FREE):
You can contact hostinger support 24/7 and they have a very strong and active live chat support that can help you fix your website issues. I have personally contacted them many times and get a positive response all the time.

Simple to Get Started:
One of the key elements of Hostinger that ranked it so high on our list is the ease of use, especially when getting everything set up. The hosting service’s clean interface, guided setup, and user-friendly dashboard makes it easy for first-timers; you don’t need to take a class on this hosting service to use it.
How to install WordPress on hostinger?